Electrical safety testing is essential to ensure safe operating standards for any product that uses electricity. Various governments and agencies have developed stringent requirements for electrical products that are sold world-wide. In most markets it is mandatory for a product to conform to safety standards promulgated by safety and standard agencies.. To conform to such standards, the product must pass safety tests such as the high voltage test (also called as Dielectric voltage-withstand test or high potential test), Insulation Resistance Test, Ground (Earth) Bond and Ground Continuity Test and Leakage Current Test (also called as Line Leakage Test, Earth Leakage Current Test, Enclosure Leakage Current Test or Patient Leakage Current Test). These tests are described in IEC 60335, IEC 61010 and many other national and international standards.

In general, IEC 60335 is the most widely applied standard for electrical safety testing, especially for domestic appliances. Many safety testing standards in the world have been based on it. To safeguard workplace health and safety, many sections of the Occupational Health and Safety Regulation provide guidelines on electrical safety and the appropriate equipment required to work on low and high voltage electrical appliances.

WE, at QVC are fully equipped to carry out Electrical Safety Testing on your products.

As a matter of fact, Electrical Safety Testing, in general, is applicable to all kind of electrically operated products and these may be covered by their particular standards. In some cases, there is demand from the regulatory bodies or from the end customers that product should be tested for Electrical Safety testing by an independent Laboratory, so we can help you for this requirements. Some of the common product which require Electrical Safety testing are:

Motors, Household appliances, industrial machines, Laboratory equipment, Medical Electrical Equipment etc.

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